Exchange with Yale University
The exchange goes back to a research stay of Prof. Plochmann, former head of the then Chair of Forest Policy and Forest History. After two mutual visits (excursions), the cooperation was institutionalized in a Memorandum of Understanding between the Yale School of Forestry (now: Yale Forest School as part of the Yale School of the Environment) and the Faculty of Forestry of the LMU (now: TUM School of Life Science). The contact is traditionally maintained by the Professor of Silviculture and Forest Ecology and the Chair of Forest and Environmental Policy (until 2007 Chair of Forest Policy and Forest History). The exchange is based on the following three pillars:
Exchange of scientists
- 1992: Research stay with guest lecture by Prof. Dr. K.-R. Volz, then head of the Chair of Forest Policy and Forest History at the LMU, at the Yale School of Forestry
- 1992/93: Joint research project of the Chair of Silviculture, Faculty of Forest Sciences (Prof. Dr. P. Burschel, Dr. E. Kürsten) and the Yale School of Forestry (Dr. B. Larson) on the role of forests in the carbon balance
- January 1996: Freising Round Table in the context of a European series of hearings in preparation for the Seventh American Forest Congress (Chair: Dr. B. Larson, Yale School of Forestry, Prof. Dr. M. Suda, Chair of Forest Policy and Forest History, Faculty of Forest Sciences)
- April 1998: Informational visit by Prof. Dr. M. Suda and FR R. Beck to the Yale School of Forestry
- October 2004: Informational visit of Prof. Dr. M. Suda, Dr. B. Stimm, PD Dr. C. Ammer and FR R. Beck to the Yale School of Forestry: agreement to hold a summer school at the Yale School of Forestry every three years starting in 2007
- December 2006/January 2007: Research and teaching stay of Dave Ellum, PhD Student, at the Faculty of Forest Sciences and Resource Management
- August 2014 - January 2015: Dr Olga Malets
- September 2014: Dr. Kathrin Böhling
Excursions and Summer Schools
Since 1993 there have been regular joint excursions to North America and Central Europe. Since 2007, summer schools have also been organized by the two universities. The Summer School organized by the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies takes place in their school forests.
Participation in the Master Program of the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies
Students of Forest Sciences have the opportunity to participate in the Master's program at Yale for one year. No tuition fees have to be paid for this year. If interested, the student should express his/her interest to Dr. Klaus Pukall one year before the desired stay abroad (i.e. at the beginning of the respective winter semester). Prerequisites for participation in the program are a good command of English (which must be proven by the Toefl Test and the GRE Test) and good academic performance in Germany.
The following students could benefit from this offer.
1993/1994: Stefan Müller
1994/1995: Reinhold Hubner
1996/1997: Dirk Ludwig
1999/2000: Stefanie Hufnagl
2000/2001: Johannes Wurm
2002/2003: Steffen Taeger
2004/2005: Christoph Klose
2005/2006: Franziska Haupt
2008/2009: Britta Ossig
2010/2011: Lukas Müller
2012/2013: Urs Dieterich
2013/2014: Simeon Max
2014/2015: Jonas Lechner
2018/2019: Vinzenz Held
2022/2023: Nikolaus Plochmann und Philipp Höhme