
Abstract: Multiple institutional affiliations occur when an academic belongs to more than one organisation. Recent research shows an increase in multiple affiliations, but evidence on roles and motivations is mainly anecdotal. We develop in this study a typology of…

Müncon ist ein junges Start-up, das im Energiesektor, besonders im Bereich Erneuerbare Energien, tätig ist. Ansprechpartner für weitere Infos: Julian Schwierzy M.Sc.

The German Research Foundation (DFG) will awards funding for the interdisciplinary research project “Mission Orientation and Innovation Clusters”. For further information, see project page.

Abstract: Research suggests that public subsidies for newly founded firms have a positive effect on follow-on financing, in particular on Venture Capital (VC), through providing certification and early-stage liquidity. This study shows that the various sources of VC value public…

Abstract: This study investigates the effect of competitive project-funding on researchers' publication outputs. Using detailed information on applicants at the Swiss National Science Foundation  and their proposal evaluations, we employ a case-control design that accounts for…

For more information see PhD Research Scholar position

Das OECD Berlin Centre sucht ab August 2021 einen Praktikanten/eine Praktikantin im Bereich volkswirtschaftliche Forschungsassistenz. Für detailierte Informationen siehe OECD Stellenanzeige.