Network Economics I

General Information:

Lecture Dates check TUMonline
Tutorial Dates check TUMonline

Prof. Svetlana Ikonnikova

Assistant Sofia Berdysheva
Level Master
Study programs see TUMOnline



This Master-level course provides an overview, synthesis of concepts, and most fundamental models describing social and economic networks. The introduced theory of networks will also include the elements of game theory, focusing on group/coalition formation and bargaining. The lectures will be complemented by seminars, discussing the applications of the theory provided during the lectures, and looking at the real-world examples and empirical research. (Tutorial sessions will include numerical examples, some of which will be demonstrated with Python codes. No prior experience with Python is required)

The lectures will first acquaint students with the concept of network and game-theoretic models of network formation. Then, a series of models will be introduced, helping students understand how coalitions/supply chains/alliances formed. Finally, the attention will be given to a wide range of studies focusing on strategic interactions in networks. 
Among the topics included in this course are:
• Models of network formation
• Coalition formation and bargaining in supply chains
• Group and network formation in industrial organization
• Empirical analysis of social and economic networks