Research Projects
EU Horizon 2020 project “BATModel”
BATModel: Supported by Horizon 2020, the overall goal of BATModel (Better Agri-food Trade Modelling for policy ANalysis) is to improve existing trade modeling tools and approaches to support policy analysis of agricultural products and foods. Our group investigates the international trade effects of Geographical Indications (GIs). 2020 project of the European Union. Project website please visit

Project "GreenDriedFruits" / PRIMA (Horizon 2020 EU)
GreenDriedFruits: Supported by the PRIMA programme, the project aims to develop, test, and implement the effectiveness of novel sustainable technologies to increase the resilience and sustainability of agricultural commodities value chains in the Mediterranean basin area. Specifically, the project focuses on sustainable solutions for post-harvest pest control in dried fruit commodities. Such solutions have the potential to improve the environmental footprint as well as firms’ economic performance.

Project funded by the Federal office for Agriculture and Food
The project Development of an Information System for geographical Indications focuses on the role of origin-based food labels for the German food crafts sector (e.g., bakers, butchers). The project is funded by the Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE) and is carried out in collaboration with the private sector partner, Agromind